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Permanent Laser hair removal

Why Laser Hair Removal as compared to Traditional Methods
Traditional techniques such as shaving , plucking, threading and waxing are not only temporary but often time consuming. In the long run, the laser treatment turns out to be more economical. By delivering light energy to hundreds of hair follicles at a time, laser treats a large area in a few minutes.

How do lasers work
The lasers and light systems for permanent hair reduction have a wavelength which selectively targets the melanin pigment of the hair root. This leads to heating and destruction of the hair root while sparing the surrounding skin.

How many treatments will I need
Most cases require five to seven sittings at interval of one to one and a half months . Interestingly not all hair are actively growing at the same time and actually go through three distinct phases, growth, regression and resting. The reason multiple sittings are required is that laser treatments work by disabling the hair that are principally in the active growth phase at the the time of treatment. However in cases with heavy growth, hormonal imbalance or resistant growth, more sittings may be required. In some cases maintenance sittings may be needed.

What areas can be treated
Laser hair removal is popular amongst males and females alike. Apart from the face , hair can be removed from arms, legs, underarms, chest, abdomen and back.

Will the treatment hurt
Comfort is ensured by contact cooling in the Laser as well as additional air cooling. When the laser pulse is delivered a mild pain is experienced which is usually well tolerated. In case near painless treatment is desired, numbing cream can be used

Are there any side effects
Because of the optimum technologies used and vast experience, side effects are extremely rare. However minor problems like blistering, swelling or eruptions may occur in a few cases. These subside within a few days.

What technologies are available at Dr Kohli’s Elina Aesthetic & Laser Centre
Here the treatments are done with a combination of following technologies Diode Laser(Lightsheer)
Long Pulsed Nd:YAG Laser (Coolglide)
Q- switched Nd:YAG Laser (Medlite)
Intense Pulsed light with Radiofrequency (Prolight)
Why choose Dr Kohli’s Elina Aesthetic & Laser Centre

  • All procedures done personally by Dr J S Kohli
  • The best technologies, from world’s reputed laser manufacturers
  • Wide range of technologies helps optimize the treatment according to hair thickness, density as well as skin type
  • Combination of technologies achieves quicker and better results
  • Constant upgradation of equipment
  • Comfort ensured by skin cooling
  • Hygeine ensured by using disposables at every step
  • Trained and cordial staff
